I believe it was Mark Twain who said "Better to be thought ignorant than
open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
The page that Grey referenced only shows up when a server-side error
in server-side code.
That would be very insightful, were it not for the fact that I still
consistently see this page.
I invite you to follow these steps to see the phenomenon for yourself;
perhaps your notification system is broken.
1) Download the latest stable version of Opera:
Or download the newest beta 2 edition if you're feeling adventurous:
2) Install and then open the browser.
3) Press Alt+P
4) Go to "Multimedia" and make sure Javascript is enabled. Click the
"Javascript options..." button.
5) Check "Open Javascript console on error", hit OK and close the
6) Go to your fpstandard.htm URI
Oh, and you'll see that javascript error pop up a message here. Tsk
tsk. Real professional.
7) Click the "Home" link in the left-hand menu and watch the ensuing
8) In fact, try clicking *any* link in the left-hand menu. "Page not
found" and "Sorry for the Inconvenience!" errors abound.
9) Get back to me if you get any notifications of these errors. I've
purposely visited that error page about 20 times today.
Oh, and BTW, aside from the fact that you horribly mis-quoted it, that
quote is attributed to Abraham Lincoln, not Mark Twain.