Daiya said:
So a whole bunch of people posting about which browser they use, or
where these files come from, or what makes the problem files different
from other files, isn't going to get us anywhere useful. MS is
already past that point.
Actually, I'm a little wrong there. It is connected to the browser or
email client in use, but the files might have been tweaked at any point
in their lifetime. So if you use Safari or Entourage to get a document
that has been shared around a whole bunch of people and gone through a
bunch of browsers, you might run into the problem even if
Safari/Entourage isn't causing it.
But, if you know that most of the files you receive are were probably
created new by the person sending them, then you might experiment with
getting your email in different programs or browsers. For instance, if
the same document breaks via webmail access in Firefox but not Safari,
then we know it's a conflict between Office and Firefox. Or vice versa.
I don't know how useful knowing the exact conflict would be, though.
It's be easy enough to switch browsers for webmail access in the future,
but using File | Open a lot sounds less inconvenient to me than
switching email clients. And it won't help with documents that already
exist on your harddrive.
(I have no clue whether the software the sender uses to send/upload the
document would make a difference.)