Worse software of 2006


Red nosed reindeer

There have been many people who have tried to make generic drivers,
and those are included in the non proprietary Linux distos....
but dont expect performace from them.

I have also tried a propietary driver for nvidia... but it was unstable and

anyway... linux has a long way to go unless somebody really gets serious on
taking on microsoft. Its possible... but its not easy at all....


Pat said:
I have found this post interesting enough to make my first attempt
for an opinion on line.
I disagree with some of these responses, that this is not a useful
post. I have been researching Vista infor for some time and have
found many unhappy users. It seems the main objection is the
interaction of other software programs updates in prep for Vista not
working, or being more time consuming to learn than the person is
prepared for.
I installed the internet expl 7 update. My "beef" with the install
was that it was loaded automatically. This caused issues, because I
was not ready to allocate the time for that kind of major change.
The uninstall was very time consuming. Adobe followed the same
format with the same problems. These major installs, I would like to
install clean and under a watchful eye, so I can troubleshoot it
properly. Loading in the background does not work. I have since
stopped all auto updates to all software, because of the assumption
by companies that I have choosen to use Vista.

An example of my caution was: when 95 came out I bought the software
the huge manual that was published for it. I read the manual and
checked out the attributes for me vs. the glitches I forsaw, and
decided, it was not for me.
When I returned it, with the software unopened, I was told no one
reads the book.
Too bad, 95 was a bust, unless you had to, you were better off
waiting for 98.

My background was main frame computing and programing in the dinasour
age, before Bill Gates was born, and IBM was not the main...main of
I'm still backwards in some of the technology, but facinated by the

I think that an opinion, such as this post, applys to what your
expectations for Vista's improvements are for your individual needs.
THE main point that is really great is that it is not for everyone,
and it should not be assumed by Microsoft or other software
companies. Downloading with updates that previously were of less
significance, is a rude surprize for the users, and a impossible for
the casual user.
I say this because, I am fixing this problem on too many freinds and
familys computers. It's been such a hassle for me, in time spent.


Up to this point, you were doing fairly well. I don't think the poster was
necessarily trolling either, at least not intentionally. But what he WAS
doing was spouting misinfomation - and claiming a lot of things didn't exist
when in fact they do/did exist. Such a posting requires accuracy; without
it, all credibility goes out the window, which is what most people objected



Red said:
Thank you Pat.. I know I am a bit annoying but its ok... someone has
to get out the message of caution, and not blindly follow whatever
they give us.
As for the problem with Ie7, you were not alone.. many many people got
with the autoupdate. I knew they wanted to do this before they did
it.. and I knew
it would create chaos! I warned everyone I knew so at least they were
prepared and acted accordingly. Some people would suddenly restart
their computer
and find a new internet explorer totally alien to them....
It was a mistake in my opinion... but they need to push it down
everyone's throats and that scares me. It should have been an
optional install.. from the ms update site,
not a high priority autoupdate.

It was an optional install. EVERY time it was installed, there were screens
of data provided for the person doing so. It's a failure of people to pay
attention that's realy what you're on about. They want everything done for
them, and then bitch when it doesn't work out the way THEY think it should
work out. People have gotten so lazy they can't even be bothered to look at
the screens during an install; big mistake no matter what the download is
The best way to install IE7 is to install it on a fresh install of
XP, or better yet
you can slipstream (integrate) ie7 onto the XP disk and create a new

That's BS and since it's not backed up with anything finite, I'd have to say
you know it's BS and made this up as you went along.

If you are into such stuff..there is a tool to help you do

Yup; and you get what you pay for, too.
Thanks again for the understanding... I appreciate it..

Another BS statement, according to many other things you've said in previous
posts. Inconsistancy hurts credibility and IMO you've used yours up. The
misinformation and lack of reading comprehension has been interesting,
And no, I don't think IE7 is the best thing to come along since sliced
bread, and no, I don't like the way they situated it as a critical update.
But then again, I can and do read, which obviously so many others do not,
can not, or simply refuse to do, finding bitching more enjoyable.


e found this post interesting enough to make my first attempt


Dan said:
Let's face it, Microsoft is in bed with a lot of these other software
companies, and in fact a good deal of the computer hardware industry.
They wash each other's hands in so many ways with their constant
upgrades that don't really need to be upgraded except for maybe some
bug fixes.

At the same time there is NO reason you HAVE to do those upgrades.
Upgrading for the sake of upgrading is silly. Doing it blindly is even
worse. You also have zilch of any proof for your libelous allegation here,
even if it was true.
I'm not into conspiracy theories without evidence but think about it,
why else would new OSs from Microsoft constantly require hardware

That is completely contrary and opposite to your previous comments. First
you post a conspiracy theory, they say you're not "into" it, and then add
support for the first one. HUH? Are you even listening to yourself?
For me to run Vista properly I'll have to purchase a brand new video
card, more ram and God knows what else, probably upgrades to the
software I mostly use.

Soo, don't run Vista. You're still free to make that choice last I knew.
And it'll hold true for several more years to come. You're obviously being
myopic and don't care; no big deal here.

No thanks, I'll stay with XP as long as I can
then move on to Linux,

Well you'd better start now unless you're a simple user who does nothing
special with his system, in which case you could probably afford to wait a
few months. But to get up to speed on Linux, you're going to have to climb
a fairly steep learning curve. Linux can give you the basics if that's all
you need, but anyone who uses any programs/equipment of any complexity is in
for some rude surprises unless the prepare themselves. Too many people
think Linux is just a free version of the same thing windows is; and the
truth is, there is little comparison. In the hands of an experienced and
learned person Linux can do phenominal things. In the hands of a newbie
strictly-user person, it's a royal pain with new surprises always cropping
Before you switch, at least make sure there are drivers available for all
of your applications and equipment and peripherals; they don't all come with
the Linux distro; in fact, few do except for the most popular ones - a la
Microsoft stuff.
So, I'd suggest you get started now so you won't end up a liar later.



Dan said:
What a perfect opportunity it would be then for an independent
company, free from Microsoft's clutches to make decent drivers for
Linux. Of course they would have to resist all temptation to allow
themselves to be bought out but if they're willing to do that they
could seriously give Microsoft a run for their money. Besides
competition is healthy anyway and ultimately provides us with better

The problem there is, they'd have to give them away; they'd be tarred and
feathered for charging for it. A company can ONLY exist on money, which
comes from profit. You cannot profit by giving away your products. As soon
as they started charging money, they'd be on their way to joining MS and all
the others, even Lindows.



Red said:
There have been many people who have tried to make generic drivers,
and those are included in the non proprietary Linux distos....
but dont expect performace from them.

Too true, unfortunately. It's the nature of the beast. Lindows made a good
start, but sort of fizzled. So did a couple of others. It's still
possible, and I do hope the competition comes to the light someday in a
useful and reliable way.



LuDean said:
If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
it's a duck. ;->

Unless it's a cat disguised as a duck, wearing a duck's feathers, and
talking duck-ese while it swims in its floaty feathers. A duck isn't always
a duck.

Erik Funkenbusch

I installed the internet expl 7 update. My "beef" with the install was that
it was loaded automatically. This caused issues, because I was not ready to
allocate the time for that kind of major change.

IE7 wasn't installed automatically. It does start the installer
automatically, but you were perfectly free to hit cancel and avoid all
those problems. Microsoft only offered you the opportunity to install IE7,
it was up to you whether you wanted to install it or not. You chose to do
so, so you can only blame yourself.
The uninstall was very time consuming.

What? It takes all of 3 minutes to uninstall, plus a reboot.
An example of my caution was: when 95 came out I bought the software and
the huge manual that was published for it. I read the manual and checked out
the attributes for me vs. the glitches I forsaw, and decided, it was not for
When I returned it, with the software unopened, I was told no one reads the
Too bad, 95 was a bust, unless you had to, you were better off waiting for 98.

95 was not a bust. Millions of people ran it for more than 3 years.
You're one of the 5 people in the world that didn't like 95 (other than
those that advocated other OS's of course).


What are you talking about besides blabbering your windbag Mr. Microsoft
employee? No I'm not necessarily into conspiracy theories however in this
case I make an exception, I do suspect something's going on since Microsoft
is clearly forcing any upgrades to include expensive hardware upgrades as
well. It's too coincidental for me, maybe they see it as a way to keep the
computer industry going financially but I see it as a scam. That's my
opinion, if you don't like it tough, continue to spend your money foolishly
on products that aren't needed except in yours and other people's minds

Now heil to your hero Pops:



Erik said:

Not much there. Looks like an eye candy update to XP with DRM and a
draconian anti piracy program thrown in to make sure paying customers
are aware of the disdain that MS holds for them. Thanks for the link.
Now I know it will be a long time, if ever, that I buy Vista. Maybe
Vienna will really be a new OS, not a glitzy update to XP. It should
have been called XP SE.


LuDean Marvin

And when would a cat ever look and behave like that... hmmmmm?

| LuDean Marvin wrote:
| > If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a
| > it's a duck. ;->
| Unless it's a cat disguised as a duck, wearing a duck's feathers,
| talking duck-ese while it swims in its floaty feathers. A duck
isn't always
| a duck.
| >
| >>
| >> BTW I am not a troll


Red nosed reindeer said:
I see no definition in the newsgroup that defines what will be said in here,
apart that it is a general discussion of Vista.

Unfortunately, you are not just posting your opinions to the vista.general
newsgroup. You are crossposting to:

This makes your discussion off topic for *all* of the above groups except for
the vista.general group and this thread started as being off topic for that
group, too. Therefore, your posts do pretty much earn you the tag of "troll."



Hmm, that's a good article! I never thought to look in Wiki for something
like that! Thank you for the link!

I only noted two things that'll disappoint me; the loss of the "up
directory" from save boxes, and I forget the other but it was just as minor.
I might be changing my mind about Vista after all. Well, assuming my system
will handle it reasonably; still researching some of those details <g>.



Alias said:
Not much there. Looks like an eye candy update to XP with DRM and a
draconian anti piracy program thrown in to make sure paying customers
are aware of the disdain that MS holds for them. Thanks for the link.
Now I know it will be a long time, if ever, that I buy Vista. Maybe
Vienna will really be a new OS, not a glitzy update to XP. It should
have been called XP SE.

LOL! You obviously didn't read more than a sentence or two of a paragraph
or two, did you? Bash away blindly all you want, but realize your name's
being associated with what you say, so ... . Not that I had any respect for
it to start with anyway.



LOL, there, you did it again! You don't believe in conspiracy theories, but
then you describe them! You're obviously pretty myopic when it comes to the
world of business and what it takes to create and maintain a user base.
It's people like you that beome warts on the ass of actual progress.
I'm also pleased to hear you think I'm an MS employee; I had no idea I
was that "in" with things, but if you wish to give that impression it can
only help in my salary reviews, right? I've got bitches about MS too, but
unlike you I put actual reasonable thought behind them and when I speak, I
make sure that I first know what I'm talking about rather than parroting and
making it up as I go.

'ave fun!



Erik said:
IE7 wasn't installed automatically. It does start the installer
automatically, but you were perfectly free to hit cancel and avoid all
those problems. Microsoft only offered you the opportunity to
install IE7, it was up to you whether you wanted to install it or
not. You chose to do so, so you can only blame yourself.

SSSHHHHH!!!!! The parrots don't want anyone to KNOW that EVERYONE had a
choice as to whether to install it! What the hell are you trying to do,
expose them for the blithering idiots most of them are? Sheesh!! Let's
just keep that between us, OK? No one else'll notice since the folks in
this thread can't read and are only looking for the pictures anyway. Well,
until Mom looks in; they they're just looking at the articles of course.



What? It takes all of 3 minutes to uninstall, plus a reboot.

Didn't take much longer to download and install either, in my case anyway.
I did know MS blew it by calling it an important update though; it did need
a different presentation somehow, but ... dunno what else could have been
done, actually.

"forsaw" the glitches? Damn, that guy was really, really good! Ten years
from now he'll be saying that about Vista, too. Practice makes perfect,
after all. Remember, I "forsaw" it now!

Meaning, they were politely telling him he was too weak and lazy to read, I

95 was a bust? Now there's a really good way to build credibility!
95 was not a bust. Millions of people ran it for more than 3 years.
You're one of the 5 people in the world that didn't like 95 (other
than those that advocated other OS's of course).

Oh, let's be honest now! We all know it was actually 8 people! Your forgot
those three guys in the U-2 incident!

It snowed today; about time, I think. This winter's been boring so far
without enough snow on the ground. This thread reminded me of the snow;
it's a real blizzard in places. It even makes for a good comedy at times;
kind of like an accident in the other lane that you can't quit looking at.



StephenB said:
Unfortunately, you are not just posting your opinions to the
vista.general newsgroup. You are crossposting to:

This makes your discussion off topic for *all* of the above groups
except for the vista.general group and this thread started as being
off topic for that group, too. Therefore, your posts do pretty much
earn you the tag of "troll."


Good point; maybe I agree with the troll concept after all. And not a
single person has used the "OT" label, including myself, because it's so
obvious, I guess.


Good list...I have a great many of them. Will check out the
others that I don't have.


Doug W.

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