Dan said:
Let's face it, Microsoft is in bed with a lot of these other software
companies, and in fact a good deal of the computer hardware industry.
They wash each other's hands in so many ways with their constant
upgrades that don't really need to be upgraded except for maybe some
bug fixes.
At the same time there is NO reason you HAVE to do those upgrades.
Upgrading for the sake of upgrading is silly. Doing it blindly is even
worse. You also have zilch of any proof for your libelous allegation here,
even if it was true.
I'm not into conspiracy theories without evidence but think about it,
why else would new OSs from Microsoft constantly require hardware
That is completely contrary and opposite to your previous comments. First
you post a conspiracy theory, they say you're not "into" it, and then add
support for the first one. HUH? Are you even listening to yourself?
For me to run Vista properly I'll have to purchase a brand new video
card, more ram and God knows what else, probably upgrades to the
software I mostly use.
Soo, don't run Vista. You're still free to make that choice last I knew.
And it'll hold true for several more years to come. You're obviously being
myopic and don't care; no big deal here.
No thanks, I'll stay with XP as long as I can
Well you'd better start now unless you're a simple user who does nothing
special with his system, in which case you could probably afford to wait a
few months. But to get up to speed on Linux, you're going to have to climb
a fairly steep learning curve. Linux can give you the basics if that's all
you need, but anyone who uses any programs/equipment of any complexity is in
for some rude surprises unless the prepare themselves. Too many people
think Linux is just a free version of the same thing windows is; and the
truth is, there is little comparison. In the hands of an experienced and
learned person Linux can do phenominal things. In the hands of a newbie
strictly-user person, it's a royal pain with new surprises always cropping
Before you switch, at least make sure there are drivers available for all
of your applications and equipment and peripherals; they don't all come with
the Linux distro; in fact, few do except for the most popular ones - a la
Microsoft stuff.
So, I'd suggest you get started now so you won't end up a liar later.