Michel Doucet
Le Sun, 31 Dec 2006 23:31:35 +0200, Red nosed reindeer a caressé son
clavier pour nous dire :
First of all best wishes for 2007.
I'm running Ubuntu/linux distro with an ATI GC .... it runs very well even
with the Beryl graphical manager (3D, transparency, ....) which is more
powerfull than Vista .... and you don't need to buy a new PC
clavier pour nous dire :
MS -Ati and Nvidia alliance.... MS makes sure the graphic card sales boom,
and ati and nvidia keep their source code closed so Linux can have crappy
First of all best wishes for 2007.
I'm running Ubuntu/linux distro with an ATI GC .... it runs very well even
with the Beryl graphical manager (3D, transparency, ....) which is more
powerfull than Vista .... and you don't need to buy a new PC