And lo, Thomas A. Rowe didst speak in
Using Windows XP IE6 SP2, NS7, NS6.21 and FireFox 1.0 I see no scripting
error messages, all links I
tried, worked as expected.
With this kind of code:
var rimPath=null;var rjsPath=null;var rPath2Root=null;function
InitRelCode(){var iImg;var jImg;var
true;}function _purl(u){return
img.src=rimPath+img.src.split("%%REL%%")[1];return img.src;}function
_gp(p){return p.substr(0,p.lastIndexOf("/")+1);}function xrep(s,f,n){if(s)
s=s.split(f).join(n);return s;}InitRelCode();
function LoadMenus() {if(!rjsPath){window.setTimeout("LoadMenus()",
10);return false;}var navVer = navigator.appVersion;
if(navVer.substr(0,3) >= 4)
if((navigator.appName=="Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)==4))
document.write('<' + 'script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
src="' + rjsPath + 'nsmenu.js"><\/script\>');
} else {
document.write('<' + 'script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
src="' + rjsPath + 'iemenu.js"><\/script\>');
}return true;}LoadMenus();
.... you need to expect the unexpected.
Somewhere in all that unholy gobbledegook is a browser sniffer sniffing
only for IE and Mozilla. This means all hell breaks loose in any other
browser, such as Opera. The sad thing is, Opera is perfectly capable of
handling this sort of script. Jim just won't let it.
BTW, Jimbo, on your fpstandard.htm page (the one Toby originally
mentioned) I took the time to open it in FireFox too and incredibly it was
filled with template images and links! In Opera I saw absolutely nothing
and honestly thought this was a test page under construction. Looks like
you need to go back to the drawing board.
Oh, and the crazy horizontal scrolling is still there in FireFox as well
as Opera. What was that about not looking "amateurish" again?
Ta ta.